Sweet as Candy Pink for Decorating Girls' Rooms - Delicious!

[caption id="attachment_1353" align="aligncenter" width="500" caption="Pink Damask Bedding and Striped Wall Paint"]Pink Damask Bedding and Striped Wall Paint[/caption] [caption id="attachment_1354" align="aligncenter" width="500" caption="Classic Pink Decor with Candy Striped Walls"]Classic Pink Decor with Candy Striped Walls[/caption] [caption id="attachment_1355" align="aligncenter" width="560" caption="Pink Striped Girl's Quilt with Lavender and Green"]Pink Striped Girl's Quilt with Lavender and Green[/caption] Yes, there is so much pink in girls' room decorating.  But, that is simply because it is so fun and such a versatile color with which to decorate.  These three delicious decor sets from luxury kid's room and baby nursery decor retailer Rosenberry Rooms inspired our article title - or maybe it was the thought of holiday sweets :).  Either way, you cannot go wrong with these sweet as candy pink decor sets! We love damask as a way to bring a classic look to a kid's bedroom.  But, in order for it not to feel so heavy, a bright color is needed.  That is why we love this damask print bedding highlighted with green, pink, and white candy striped bed skirt and accent pillows.  The pink and white striped wall paint is easy to recreate with a little tape on the wall and a steady hand.  Put the icing on the cake with a few hanging wall letters or wall decals and a candy striped rug. If you prefer something a bit more classic, consider toning down the colors with a soft gray or toning down the patterns with a classic rose pattern as is featured in the second decor set above in the chair and rug.  The pink bedding set is by Oopsy Daisy (known for their children's wall art) and New Arrival's Inc.  The vertical candy striped wall helps bring height to the space which is helpful given the wide dresser and bed in the room. Finally, the bright green, white, and pink candy striped girl's bedding in the third set screams sweet as sugar!  Balance is brought to the room with the soft lavender wall paint and sage green rug. Now that we have your taste buds humming, check out our other articles for decorating girls rooms in pink and damask.

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